Sunday, November 27, 2005

Do you ever get overwhelmingly stressed out?

That's how I'm feeling today, and I have no reason to be. I had a great weekend, enjoyed my family, drank my life away, saw my friends, partied with my cousin, and a certain someone even told me that I was missed these last few weeks.

So, why do I feel like I want to jump out of my body and squeeze all the adrenaline and guilt out of my stomach? Why is my stomach even knotted?

I've been paralyzed by this feeling for the last couple of hours-- I tried sleeping, I tried deep breathing, I tried reading, I tried EVERYTHING. And ironically, the only thing that seems to be working is this Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper and all the caffeine that comes with it.

Ya think that's a problem when you can only relax with caffeine? Maybe that's proof that I'm ADD...maybe that's just proof that I'm crazy.


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