Monday, October 17, 2005

Sometimes I hate the fact that I'm an anal writer. Because what it means is that I can't write unless I'm feeling inspired, and I can't force myself to be inspired. Like this post, for example, do you see how horribly boring it is? How I have no voice??? It's because I'm totally UNinspired, and I'm supposed to write a paper right now and I can't because i'm UNinspired...and that sucks, because I'll get INspired at like 10:30 tonight, just because i HAVE to be inspired then, so my brain will wake up. Ugh...Let's see if this idea works... doesn't. I was going to force myself to write somethinag I care about...i paused, I looked out the window, and I thought, "i'm not feeling anything right now...except that I wnat to lie on my bed and listen to janis..."



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