Friday, January 27, 2006

More and more I'm realizing what a bubble I live in when I'm walking around New York. It's almost a law for me at this point: I walk out of a building and I enter a little bubble that doesn't pop until I arrive at my next destination. How do I know? Well, let's put it this way: I cross streets without looking for traffic, I walk by people I know and don't notice, I won't hear my phone ring, I look at people in the eyes because they just wander there but I won't remember what the person looks like, what they're wearing and I won't notice what they were doing or saying...and then of course, there is the incident that happened today:

I'm walking back from campus on the same side of the same street that I always walk on every morning, every evening, same street, to and from school. I'm passing the construction site that I always pass, the same workmen I always cruise by, the same loud noises and debris all over the sidewalk. Except today was different. Today, as I'm walking home, I happen to walk very close past one of the construction workers, who says (and I quote): "Nice to see you beautiful. YOU'RE EARLY TODAY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, it was true, I was early today. I walked by the construction site at 2:30 as opposed to the usual 5:30. And apparently, they noticed. Apparently, from what I gathered from that comment, they notice when I walk by everyday...because I DO walk by everyday...and I never even noticed them watching me.

Here's the problem with this. It's not that I got cat-called, it's not that construction workers are acting like the stereotypical construction workers and making me their victim. The problem is that after 2 and half years in this city, I finally realized that I can act like a pretty decent New Yorker...dare I even say, I've become a New Yorker? ....I laughed all the way home...


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